Rachel Kerr - Founder of The Beauty Boost
Rachel Kerr is a true testament to the power of following your passions and turning them into your dream life. Beginning as an idea to unite and inspire women with shared values, The Beauty Boost is now a nationwide organization that helps women feel empowered, healthy, & beautiful. Through various events and experiences such as retreat getaways and empowerment workshops, The Beauty Boost offers the opportunity for women to connect with those who share similar passions and values. Events are open to the community and attendees are encouraged to explore an event or to transform their lifestyle by signing up for a Beauty Boost membership.
Starting in Columbus Ohio, The Beauty Boost has grown to connect women in 23 different cities (and counting!). When it all began in 2015, Rachel was still working at her corporate job. “I was feeling really unfulfilled,” she said, “and I didn’t see an outlet for meetups for women in Ohio.” Rachel saw a need to create a safe space for women and launched The Beauty Boost which became an entire community of ladies who were also searching for women’s events.
When it all began, Rachel got her 500-hour yoga certification, took a six-week course from Marie Forleo, and connected with a business coach to help transform her goals into a reality. She stated, “these three things together helped me to fully transition out of my corporate job for a full two years before officially leaving.” Soon, her hard work and dedication to herself and her dreams would pay off. After three years in Columbus, Rachel and The Beauty Boost expanded into additional cities and broadened its impact in nationwide communities.
Rachel talked a bit about the types of events hosted by The Beauty Boost…starting with retreats. “It’s a fun health and wellness getaway for everyday women.” They offer day retreats that take place around the city and weekend retreats that take place in select cities. Each retreat shares the same pillars and offers a build-your-own structure, meaning that women can choose the activities that work best for them and their wellness goals. The retreats are accessible to anyone, and this also carries over to the ticket price. The Beauty Boost aims for retreats to be affordable so everyone can benefit from the experience. “We have had women that have come with us on at least 12 retreats now. The women who attend dive all in and we rarely see them be one and done.”
Beyond each individual city, the overall reach of The Beauty Boost impacts many women around the country in their own hometowns. The events aim to meet women at their current place in their wellness journey and the goal is always for deeper connection within yourself and those around you. We asked Rachel about the best part of having so many different chapters around the nation and she replied, “One, we have different city owners with the franchise model, and we all get to work closely together. Second, it’s an outlet for women everywhere. I wish that I had this when I was graduating college and looking for ways to get involved.”
Each woman who runs a Beauty Boost chapter in their city is also an owner of the chapter and therefore has a chance to make it their full-time job. This opportunity mirrors Rachel's own journey when she began The Beauty Boost, and it is a huge benefit of the country-wide structure. The Beauty Boost also presents the option of allowing leaders to do their current work (i.e., full-time job) while running a Beauty Boost chapter on the side.
Above all, the ultimate goal is to host or experience the events on your own terms. “I think we’re all humans and it makes no difference. We have the same desires and needs, to a certain extent, for connection, to grow, and have fun. I want it to be in every city as an option for women who are looking for that.”
Over the years, The Beauty Boost has made a place for itself across the country. This further proves that all women have a desire for these connections and there is a need for this energy in all corners of the world. The good news is, if you can’t find a Beauty Boost local to you, you can start one! The company is constantly interviewing new leads from new cities and has had many people reach out to build their own chapters.
We asked Rachel more about herself and she began to talk about how The Beauty Boost represents finding connection in your own backyard and how that idea drives her to continue expanding and reaching more women. She even considers the fact that women who move from one place to another or relocate frequently may have a difficult time finding a sense of community in a new city. The Beauty Boost aims to bridge this gap for women of all backgrounds who are changing their paths both physically and figuratively.
We were curious about what inspires her to continue at The Beauty Boost and she responded with a friend’s name. “My friend Melissa Blackburn owns a coworking space that I’m a part of called Haven Collective. She and I met through The Beauty Boost and became very good friends. She is also a business coach, so she has helped me in that area. It inspires me how she doesn’t half-ass her life, she goes all in.”
Finally, we touched on Rachel's hopes and dreams for the future of The Beauty Boost and how she sees the group continuing to grow and touch more lives. “Our goal for the end of 2023 is to be in 35 cities with some specific cities in mind. I personally will also be looking for someone to take over the local events in Columbus.” Rachel aims to better support all the chapters around the country by freeing herself from the hands-on work and focusing her energy more on helping everyone else be at their best. In the future, she hopes to watch the organization grow and to support everyone who feels a connection to their own community.
Rachel’s dedication to connecting women and her passion for wellness is what makes her an incredible pillar of every Beauty Boost community. She is an excellent success story of how following your dreams with grit and determination can transform your dreams into a reality. Rachel serves as a true inspiration for all those who seek to pursue their passions and she continues to provide a lasting impact on women everywhere through the various chapters of her group. We have such tremendous love and appreciation for successful businesses and organizations started in Ohio. We applaud women who continue to push themselves outside of their comfort zones to create community impact. It was an honor to chat with such an incredible leader like Rachel and we are so thrilled to watch The Beauty Boost continue to grow and resonate with women nationwide.